Welcome to Fifth & Sixth Grade!

Willowwind’s 5/6 program engages students in the study of the natural and social sciences through a project-based learning approach. Students are expected to work more independently and are provided opportunities to develop their responsibility, independence, initiative, reliability, and intrinsic motivation.

 Willowwind’s focus on project-based learning allows students to deeply explore topics and engage in authentic dialogue about the world around them. A two year curriculum cycle allows students to continue working on new projects and learning new material while benefiting from the same classroom setting. Projects link to a curricular theme often spanning several months and may include History Fair, Science Fair, Ancient Civilizations radio shows, science documentaries, and social studies themed plays.



Students are placed in literature circles based on their individual reading levels. Depending on the instructional level, these groups will engage in either guided reading sessions or literature talks at least twice a week. Guided reading sessions will focus on increasing reading comprehension and fluency. Literature talks allow students to engage in meaningful, accountable discussions about a common text. Students engage in conversations within their literature circles and respond to prompts on their respective books.

Literacy also provides students with opportunities to interact with social justice issues like race and gender through fiction and non-fiction literature. Students are encouraged to respectfully articulate their thoughts and opinions while learning to hear others' perspectives.

Writing units most often correspond with project-based work like History Fair and/or reading units. Regardless of the writing unit (fiction or nonfiction), emphasis is placed on using the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. Students are expected to be actively engaged at each stage, teaching and learning from their peers.


Social Studies

Students explore American history from the formation of the Thirteen Colonies through the Civil Rights Movement and beyond. Our fifth and sixth graders engage in discussions and readings to address questions such as,  “What shapes a society?” and “What happens when a society lacks critical resources?” As students prepare to participate in challenging discussions, lessons on civil discourse provide students with the tools they need to have productive, thoughtful, open-minded conversations.

Students will examine the early development of hominids and investigate the key characteristics of the first human civilizations. By exploring how ancient people lived day-to-day, governed themselves and solved problems related to environmental and other issues, students begin to see how the past informs our current way of life.



History Fair

This is another great opportunity for students to dig deep and dive into project-based learning. Every other year students are challenged to select a person, group, or event to research and present to judges and the wider school community. In 2018 Willowwind had five students move on to the Iowa State History Fair with one student placing 3rd in the state making her a runner up to attend the National History Fair.



Students learn scientific methodologies and experimental practices while refining their skills in innovative design and data management. Young scientists explore life at every level of organization to build an understanding of living systems, including ecosystems, scientists, populations, and individual organisms. The use and creation of models enhance students’ understanding of biological systems and functions.

  • Computer Science and Coding

  • Mixtures and Solutions

  • Living Systems

  • Science Fair



Willowwind uses Math in Focus, a Singapore-based approach to teaching math.  This curriculum academically engages students with topics while allowing them to gain a deep understanding of math concepts.  By teaching fewer topics in greater depth at each grade level and by using visual representations and modeling strategies, Math in Focus emphasizes the development of conceptual understanding, place value, and computational fluency.

  • engaged with mastery level experiences

  • improving computational and problem-solving skills

  • preparing for Algebra


Unique Events:

  • 4-day class trip to Camp Edwards in Wisconsin

  • Student-run fundraising cafe

  • Science Fair

  • History Fair

  • Genius Hour & Legacy Projects

  • Documentary film

  • Class Play



We encourage families to stop by to investigate, explore, and discover why Willowwind students Love Every Day!